25 Incredibly Delicious Sup Kambing Mamak Recipes That Will Revolutionize your Cooking Experience

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Introduction: If you’re looking for a delicious and nutritious way to cook, then you need to check out these 25 Sup Kambing Mamak Recipe. They will change the way you cook and make your meals taste amazing. Whether you’re looking for an easy meal or something that can be prepared in a hurry,these recipes are sure to please.

Get the Recipe for the Best Sup Kambing Mamak.

Sup kambing mamak is a Malaysian dish that is made from chicken and seafood. It is often served as an appetizer or main course, and has a delicious, savory flavor.

Sup kambing mamak can be made using any type of seafood, but the most popular option is to use chicken. However, you can also use other meats like fish or pork if you’re not fond of chicken.

To make Sup Kambing Mamak, first mix together all of the ingredients in a bowl and stir until everything is well combined. Then, add water to cover the ingredients and let it sit for at least 30 minutes so the flavors will meld.

Once the ingredients are ready, take them out of the bowl and put them into a large pot or wok over medium-high heat. Once heated, Add in your seafood and cook until it turn pink (usually about 5 minutes). then remove from heat and serve with your favorite herbs or spices on top. Enjoy!

25 Incredibly Delicious Sup Kambing Mamak Recipes That Will Revolutionize your Cooking Experience.

1. Sup Kambing Mamak with Kelapa Gading: This dish is the perfect combination of sweet and savory, with a bit of spice to keep things interesting.

2. Malam Kuningan Sup Kambing Mamak: A classic Indonesian chicken curry that’s just as delicious without the spices!

3. Java Sambal Selatan: A fragrant and complex Nilgiri pepper sauce that will leave your taste buds singing “thank you, thank you, thank you!”

4. Sup Roti Mahi with Fried Rice: This dish is a must-try if you love sukarno prawns!

5. Sup Kulit Nasi Gorengwith Jasmine Rice: The perfect mix of sweet and savory, this dish is sure to leave your taste buds begging for more!

6. Sup Makanan Padang Tandang Hari: An amazing way to enjoy seafood at an affordable price – try this dish today!

7. Banyan Kartu gorengwith Sukapura Rice: This dish is sure to tantalize your taste buds with its unique flavor profile!

8. Sulawesi Lemongrass Chicken Curry with Fried Rice: Another fantastic Indonesian chicken curry that’s easy to make at home – perfect for a quick meal!

9. Malaysian Laksa with Fried Rice: A unique Malaysiaian laksa recipe that features fresh ginger, green onion, and rice – all cooked together in one tasty bowl!

10. Sukabowai Coconut Pancakes with Brown Butter Sauce: These pancakes are made with fluffy egg whites and fresh coconut oil instead of butter, making them light and fluffy – perfect for breakfast or dessert!

Get the Recipe for the Best Sup Kambing Mamak.

In order to make the best Sup Kambing Mamak, you need to start with the right ingredients. Make sure to use high-quality sukiyaki sauce, soy sauce, honey, and ginger in order to get that perfect balance of sweet and savory. If you have friends or family around, be sure to invite them over for some sup kambing mamak!

Enjoy the Satisfaction of Sup Kambing Mamak Without any Effort.

If you’re looking for a meal that will take care of itself and leave you feeling satisfied, try these recipes:

-Sup Kambing Mamak with prawns: Start by boiling shrimp in water until they turn pink, then add soy sauce, honey, and ginger. Once everything is cooked through (about 8 minutes), add sukiyaki sauce to taste. Serve with rice and steamed vegetables.

-Sup Kambing Mamak with chicken: Preheat a large wok or skillet over high heat and add oil before adding chicken skinless breasts or thighs. Cook until golden brown on both sides (about 7 minutes per side). Add soy sauce, honey, and ginger before serving with rice and steamed vegetables.

-Sup Kambing Mamak with tofu: Cut tofu into small cubes before boiling until it becomes soft (about 5 minutes). Stir in soy sauce, honey, and ginger before cooking it through (about 4 minutes). Add the tofu to yoursup kambing mamak recipe as desired.

– Sup Kambing Mamak with seafood: Boil shrimp in water until they turn pink then add soy sauce , honey , ginger . Once everything is cooked through ( about 8 minutes ), add fresh seafood such as lobster or crab legs . Serve with rice and steamed vegetables.


Sup Kambing Mamak are a popular Malaysian dish made from chicken feet, liver, and spices. With 25 delicious Sup Kambing Mamak recipes that can Revolutionize your Cooking Experience, there is sure to be a recipe for anyone and everyone. By trying different Sup Kambing Mamak recipes, you will find the perfect one for you and your family. Whether you’re looking for an easy meal or something more challenging, these recipes will have you singing “thumbs up” in no time!

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