6 Easy Ways To Whiten Your Teeth At Home

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Your teeth do not get the attention they need while brushing. Whether you set a timer, hum a song or do other things while you brush, it is important to reach this two-minute limit every time you brush. In addition to daily brushing and flossing, consider using fluoride-containing mouthwash to promote oral health. This may sound a bit strange, but it really works! Coconut oil is a natural bleach and can work wonders for your smile.

Also avoid eating or drinking about half an hour later. Floss is a small, portable item that you can take with you while traveling. Floss is a great alternative to brushing your teeth when you are on the go. Floss helps you kill bacteria and food particles in hard-to-reach areas around your gums and is stuck between your teeth.

Summer is known for some unhealthy food, so be careful when snacking on these alluring goodies. Choose tooth-friendly snacks, such as broccoli, carrots, seeds, nuts or apples. These foods serve as a natural toothbrush because of their abrasive texture.

Bacteria in the plate produce acids that can damage the enamel and cause cavities. Brush and flossing can prevent tooth decay, but as soon as a cavity forms, a dentist must attach it with a filling to prevent further damage. More scientific evidence is needed to investigate the effectiveness of activated charcoal for teeth whitening. An article published in 2019 found that carbon toothpaste can bleach the teeth within 4 weeks of use, but was not as effective as other bleachable toothpastes. Another way to use hydrogen peroxide is to mix it with baking soda to make toothpaste. Combine 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and gently brush your teeth with the mixture.

Tobacco causes brown spots that penetrate the grooves and pits of tooth enamel. Tobacco stains can be difficult to remove by brushing alone. The more you smoke, the more rooted places become. Smoking also causes bad breath and gingivitis and increases the risk of most cancers. Alternatively, you can rinse your mouth with water after drinking. Remember that you don’t want to brush your teeth right after that, as it can damage enamel.

These bleaching pastes contain soft abrasives that rub teeth to remove the stain on the surface, but are soft enough to be safe.

This article explains why coconut oil is good for teeth. There is no evidence that the use of vinegar as mouthwash helps whiten teeth. Rather, it weakens the enamel and promotes tooth decay. Regular brushing and flossing Zahnarzt Thun can help your teeth stay white by reducing bacteria in your mouth and preventing plaque build-up. Some studies have shown that daily oil extraction reduces bacteria in the mouth, along with plaque and gingivitis .

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