Good Luck Toefl

3 minutes, 13 seconds Read

The test is only 20 minutes, which is very short compared to other sections of the test, but it is very stressful! Follow these TOEFL tips to understand and prepare for the TOEFL Speaking exam. You should always support your opinion with relevant examples and give as much detail as possible. You can also contrast your chosen answer with an alternative point of view. In this section you have 15 seconds to prepare and your talk time is 45 seconds.

Let’s draw up a strategy to better manage this short time. First, remember that you have already written your template on your scratch paper. There are many templates you can find on the internet, but my suggestion is to create your own template. Once you understand the logic of each question, you can use your words to prepare to answer them.

It would be better if you speak in English with a native speaker. Even talking to your reflection is better than not talking. Give your thoughts a voice and reproduce dil kursu your thoughts in a strong speech in English. The only significant difference between these tasks is that the topic in Task 2 is about a problem at university.

A time of 17 minutes is given to complete all tasks. You can only start the second if you have completed the first. Listen carefully to how native speakers sound when they speak and try to copy what you hear. There are many free and paid online platforms where you can communicate with native speakers. Facebook has many groups that you can find partners to talk to.

Your examiners evaluate students like you every day and want you to succeed. If you know what to expect on the exam, you will feel safer. Prepare to read quickly and take quick notes and then listen to how the two parts are connected. The more you practice performing test-like tasks, the better you will get. Before August 1, 2019, the TOEFL had six discussion tasks: two independent and four integrated.

Questions 2, 3 and 4 about the TOEFL Speaking test are “Integrated speech” tasks. “Integrated” simply means that these tasks combine reading, listening and conversation skills. For example, you may need to listen and respond orally, listen, read and then respond orally. Start to feel comfortable reading English passages out loud. Focus on pronunciation and speak clearly so that native speakers can understand it.

You should try to do this at least three times a week: the more you practice, the easier it will be to answer questions in a limited time to plan your answer. First start with a description of your city, country, place, event, etc. Then it is important to express your personal opinion / preference and support it with good reasoning, examples and details. Whatever you do, without speaking you will never succeed. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, try to avoid them the next time you speak.

The TOEFL speaking section actually tests more than just your English speaking skills. Test your ability to read, listen and understand recordings of native speakers of English, pronounce words correctly, use the right grammar, and manage your time wisely. This section also tests exam strategies, such as your ability to stay focused and take short notes. Here you can start preparing for the TOEFL voice test.

You may have read other web pages that give ideas on how to get a higher score in the conversation section. After learning TOEFL preparation for more than 25 years, I have discovered some specific things about delivery, language and theme development that you can do. If you can do these things on the TOEFL test, you will definitely get a higher score. The other four tasks are integrated tasks where students must use more than one skill to successfully answer questions. Think about what happens in the conversation task and create a template that can reflect that goal.

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